My Sketchbook Project Sketchbook
With the help of my husband, I randomly chose “Untitled” as the theme for my sketchbook. At first, I thought this was a wonderful theme, but then as I began to think that it meant that I could do anything, I was at a loss as to what to do. And so, I did what I have often been known to do, I procrastinated – for about 7 months. This brought me to the beginning of January with only a month until my sketchbook was due to be mailed. My husband gifted me with an online class which involved drawing faces and so I decided to use my sketchbook as practice for drawing faces..
Who Am I?
I am a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, teacher, and student.
I have been creating in some form since I can remember.
I recently retired after teaching family and consumer sciences for 41 years, and I am now free to pursue my art at my leisure. Most of my previous work was in fiber. I have now expanded into working with paper clay, drawing and painting. Life is good.